Friday, July 24, 2009

Contextual Targeting when Working with Affiliate Marketing

The Internet has given rise to more techniques for effective marketing to consumers than might have ever been considered before. Affiliate marketing uses methods that are specific to the Internet in order to maximize their chances of advertising success. One of these methods is contextual targeting.

The function of the code is to look through what is on the page and pull relevant ads from the company sponsoring the contextual targeting, which it then places on the site.

What Is Contextual Targeting?

Contextual targeting is a way of marketing to people who visit your site by anticipating their needs. The idea is that rather than featuring blanket advertisements on your website and hoping that whoever is interested in what your site is talking about is interested in what you're selling, contextual targeting makes sure that the ads your consumers are looking at are geared specifically to what they are interested in on the site. In this way, contextual targeting greatly increases the likelihood that the ad will be of interest to the Internet surfer and that he will pursue it.

How Does Contextual Targeting Work?

Contextual targeting generally works through a piece of code that you put on your web pages. The function of the code is to look through what is on the page and pull relevant ads from the company sponsoring the contextual targeting, which it then places on the site.

How Well Does Contextual Targeting Work?

Companies like Google have enjoyed great success with contextual targeting. The ability to instantly market directly to the people who may be interested in your product or service, rather than marketing to everybody or potentially marketing to the wrong people not only saves time and money, but also increases the likelihoods of click-throughs and purchases.

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