Monday, August 3, 2009

How To Find Targeted Twitter Followers

One of the questions I hear the most is, "How do I find people to follow in twitter" and more importantly, "How do I find people to follow me?" During the next few minutes I am going to explain to you how to find people on twitter that you would be interested in and how to get people follow you and your interesting tweets and conversations.

The most important thing to remember is that Twitter Search is your friend. You can really use it to find any person or any tweet in the twittersphere. These days you get loads of cool twitter clients like Tweetlater, Twitteriffic, Tweetdeck, Seesmic Desktop, etc. They are very useful to get targeted twitter followers. These allow you to run a constant Twitter search of the Twittersphere for a query (in Twitter's search syntax), basically turning the search results for that query into a real-time feed of people having a conversation about a given topic. You can use this way of searching tweets to find people that you are interested in or people that share your interests.

You can usually do two kinds of searching. You can search tweets, for instance, "marketing", and follow all the people that are having interesting or useful conversations about "marketing" or related things like "internet marketing". This way, some of these people will also follow you back and you will find targeted twitter followers. Sending regular personal messages to these people will also help to get them to notice you and follow you back if you share the same interests.

The second kind of searching is when you search bio's. If you search the people's bio's you will find what the people are all about. If you do a bio search in twitter for "internet marketing" you are sure to find a whole bunch of people that have the words, "internet marketing" in their twitter biography description and then you know that you have the same thing in common. Just follow these people again and build up a relationship with them by sharing your opinions and knowledge about "internet marketing". You are sure to find good targeted twitter followers this way.

There is unfortunately a huge downside to these ways of finding targeted twitter followers. It is painfully slow to build up a good targeted following, especially if you want your twitter following to grow massive with targeted followers in your niche. So what can you do to speed up this process of making friends and getting interested people to follow you on Twitter?

You actually get some pretty good applications that help you to mass follow people, but these applications usually don't help you to find targeted twitter followers and if you keep on mass following and unfollowing people, it could get you banned.

But luckily there is a new system out there that automates this whole following process. You set it up so that it automatically follows the people in your particular interest or niche up to the twitter limits or the limits that you set. It also automatically unfollows the people people that don't follow you. You can setup everything so that the system automatically finds you targeted followers and automatically sends tweets as well. This way you can actually turn your Twitter account in to an ATM, making money with it on autopilot, even while you are sleeping.

This system is really getting excellent reviews. After I setup this system, I was very excited to find over 1000 targeted twitter followers in under 4 days! It really skyrocketed my traffic to my website. You can see my proof and read my short Twitter Online System Review here. You also get a great exclusive bonus of 12 free money making ebooks on that site.

Well, I hope you keep on tweeting and expand your personal twittersphere and remember the most important rule of Twitter - Be friendly!

by Bertus Engelbrecht

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