Friday, August 14, 2009

Demographic Targeting for Affiliates

Advertisers are constantly looking for ways to make their marketing efforts more effective. The first realized benefit of the Internet for advertisers was the ability to "blast" advertisements to millions more people than before, quickly, cheaply and easily. The problem with this approach is that the advertising is still reaching a great many people who can or will never make use of it, which is not the most effective approach. New Internet technologies allow advertisers to modify their Internet sales techniques by adding precision targeting, focusing on many consumers, but only ones likely to be interested in their product. One of these precision methods is demographic targeting.

Demographic targeting is a method by which advertisers focus on sites that specifically target certain demographic groups.

What is Demographic Targeting?

Demographic targeting is a method by which advertisers focus on sites that specifically target certain demographic groups. For example, an affiliate marketer sells a product that you feel will appeal particularly to women ages 21-34 with children. A demographic targeting application can search for websites that appeal to these three specific groups. The marketer then knows which sites he wants as affiliates.

Why Is Demographic Targeting Useful?

Demographics is a science. More women will buy bras than men. More people with children are going to be buying diapers than people without children. Making sure that ads for products that certain groups are more likely to buy are directed at those groups is an efficient way of generating sales.

How Can Demographic Targeting Help Affiliates?

When affiliates design their sites, they should keep demographics in mind. Try to build sites that will either appeal to a broad range of demographics or that will appeal very strongly to one or two large demographics. This may get the attention of advertisers who will wish to take you on as affiliates.

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